Geelong Chamber of Commerce
The Geelong Chamber of Commerce’s role is to support, educate and facilitate a healthy, vibrant business community. Their networking events are the largest in the region and designed to encourage business professionals to interact with each other and expand their business contacts.
Plan your future career – myfuture is Australia’s award winning national career information and exploration service with thousands of resources to plan your career journey.
Department of Employment
The Australian Government Department of Employment is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians find and keep employment and work in safe, fair and productive workplaces. Through this website you can search a wide range of information provided for job seekers, employers and employees on topics such as: I’m looking for work, I’m a mature age person, I have a disability, I want information on my local labour market and skills shortages, I need information on workplace relations, employing people with disability, wage subsidies and incentives, I’ve been made redundant, or I need information on paid parental leave.
Job Outlook
Job Outlook is a careers and labour market research information site to help you decide on your future career. Use the search options to find a wealth of information covering around 350 individual occupations.
Career Quiz
This quiz will help you identify what types of work you most like doing.
My Skills
The most up-to-date information on training courses for school leavers, students, apprentices, and employers.
Bullseye Posters
This page contains links to Bullseye posters that can help students to identify occupations that link with subjects studied at school and indicate what level of education and training is required to find employment.
Enterprise Geelong
Enterprise Geelong is the City of Greater Geelong’s dedicated resource for economic development initiatives.
Enterprise Geelong is the point of entry for businesses seeking to establish, grow or invest locally. We make doing business easy through positive leadership collaboration and innovation.
Future Proofing Geelong
Future Proofing Geelong’s vision is that in the year 2030, Geelong is internationally recognised as one of the world’s most sustainable cities. Faced with challenges like Climate Change and Economic Adjustment, the region has pursued a collaborative and innovative approach to become more resilient and adaptive.
Small Business Mentoring Service
SBMS Experienced Business Mentors are part of the Small Business Mentoring Service. SBMS is an incorporated not-for-profit association. It has been in existence since 1986 when there were just 14 members. Today there are around 120 Mentors, both male and female, who have the skill and experience to help small businesses.
Single Business Service
The Department of Industry’s Single Business Service is putting the needs of Australian businesses first by simplifying and streamlining access to information and advice.
The Grant Finder is an easy search engine and helps you locate the grants and assistance programs most relevant to your business for free!
Regional Development Victoria
Regional Development Victoria (RDV) is the Victorian Government’s lead agency in developing rural and regional Victoria. With a focus on building stronger economies and communities through employment, investment and infrastructure, RDV supports regional Victoria to deliver the Victorian Government’s agenda to drive jobs and more prosperous communities in regional Victoria.
Geelong Business Network
2015 is the tenth year of the highly regarded Geelong Business Network Breakfast program. These events promote the exchange of ideas and information between high level business and community leaders.
Geelong Young Professionals
The Geelong Young Professionals Network is leading and inspiring Geelong’s up-coming professionals and building a strong succession culture for future of the Geelong region. Auspiced by the Geelong Chamber of Commerce, the group endeavour to give young professionals the opportunity to build networks and strengthen relationships with like-minded individuals via a series of innovative networking events.