Where have all the applicants gone?
2 years ago - 6 minutes read
The last 24 months have changed everything. For businesses. For employers. For workers. Now, as the dust settles, employers are by and large having to weather the unusual burden of convincing workers to fill a historically high level of job openings. This morning I was lucky enough to catch up socially with a group of […]
The Great Realisation
2 years ago - 6 minutes read
COVID-19. Ever heard of it? If you haven’t, welcome back from your coma, and sit down, I have some news. For the rest of us, treading contaminated water for the better part of the past 24 months has meant COVID-19 has leaked its way into every facet of our lives, with the world of work […]
Let it grow, let it grow, let it grow.
7 years ago - 5 minutes read
With the new financial year approaching, winter isn’t the only thing getting a blast right now with Geelong’s job scene set to blast its way into the backend of the year. In addition to Geelong’s burgeoning healthcare, government and community services sectors (with the likes of TAC, Worksafe, Epworth, ABS and NDIA now calling our […]
Why You Need Time Off
7 years ago - 7 minutes read
The sand was hot underfoot, almost scalding—a thousand tiny pinches at the soles of my feet. Like navigating hot coals, I uncoordinatedly hopped with random rhythm towards the water’s edge, soon standing on firmer footing, wriggling my toes in the wet sand dotted with shells and small stones. My face to the sun, I was […]
Take a Hint
9 years ago - 2 minutes read
I’ve been interviewing a lot of people lately: not only because I’ve had numerous roles to fill for a few different clients, but also because I’ve been getting large volumes of applications to advertised vacancies. Which in and of itself isn’t too surprising, as April/ May is actually one of the peak activity periods during […]
Monday Must-Do
9 years ago - 4 minutes read
Sometimes, attracting the right candidate to your business is an entirely unpredictable game of chance. The chance that the right candidate will pick up the paper and see your recruitment advertisement at the right time, or the chance an incumbent will happen to notice your advertisement on the front page of ‘Seek’. So with all […]
Should your CV have a selfie?
9 years ago - 3 minutes read
This is a question I get asked fairly often, or is a question I find I ask myself now and then when vetting a potential candidate for a recruitment role, and the answer is almost always, no.   In my time reviewing hundreds, if not thousands of CVs in my career so far, I can tell […]
Do you have pegs on your washing line that you only use for the ‘good clothes’?
9 years ago - 3 minutes read
Or do you have plush towels in your linen cupboard that are only for guests, fine gilded china only for Christmas Day, or sparkling crystal wine glasses only for ‘special occasions’? I was hanging out the washing today, and at one point, purposefully bypassing the new plastic heavy set pegs with the coloured stripe, I […]
One day
9 years ago - 3 minutes read
It’s been pretty full on lately. We’ve celebrated the Aussie spirit on our national day of remembrance, we’re excitedly on royal baby watch and we’ve been shocked by the earthquake in Nepal. And sometimes life seems like there is so much going on, that everything is swirling around us like a fast moving stream, and […]